Libreville, Jeudi 22 Septembre 2022 (Infos Gabon) – Le président gabonais s’est exprimé hier à la tribune de la 77e Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des Nations unies à New York aux Etats-Unis. L’intégralité de son discours en français et en anglais.

Mesdames et Messieurs les Chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement,
Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs,
Monsieur le Président,

Je vous adresse mes plus vives
félicitations pour votre élection à la présidence de la 77ème Assemblée
générale des Nations Unies et mes vœux les plus ardents de succès.

Je salue et adresse mes
félicitations à votre prédécesseur, M. Abdulla SHAHID, pour l’engagement qu’il
a démontré tout au long de la 76ème session.

Au Secrétaire général Antonio
GUTERRES, je réitère le plein SOUTIEN de mon pays dans ses efforts au service
de notre organisation.

Monsieur le Président,

Je me réjouis de prendre à nouveau
la parole avec gravité parce que la situation l’exige. En effet, nous sommes à
une période charnière du système international, alors que le monde se relève
difficilement d’une pandémie et se trouve en proie à une crise

L’émergence de nouveaux pôles
d’influence entraîne une cristallisation et commande que nous privilégions un
dialogue permanent en vue d’un consensus global, plutôt qu’un rapport de
forces, dans l’approche des questions antagonistes au sein du système

Face aux rivalités entre puissances,
et aux défis multiformes, qui nous concernent tous, il serait dangereusement
naïf de continuer à miser sur les rapports de force ou les postures

L’interdépendance des enjeux
globaux et l’interconnexion des économies nationales nous exigent de dialoguer,
afin de répondre de manière appropriée, et surtout collective, aux menaces les
plus graves à la paix et à la sécurité internationales.

Nous sommes dans le dernier quart
d’une année qui a vu les défis mondiaux s’amplifier, mettant à mal les efforts
communs et individuels visant à mettre en œuvre les objectifs de développement
durable à l’horizon 2030.

A moins de huit ans de l’échéance,
il est crucial d’évaluer le parcours à l’aune de la menace que continue de
faire peser la pandémie de la Covid-19 sur nos économies.

Une menace, tout aussi insidieuse,
plane désormais sur nos économies. Cette menace, c’est l’inflation. Partout
dans le monde, l’inflation atteint de tristes records. Personne n’est épargné,
les entreprises comme les ménages, le Nord comme le Sud. Ses effets sont

Il nous faut donc agir.
Individuellement, certes. C’est ce que le Gabon fait en subventionnant certains
produits de première nécessité, en contrôlant les prix sur d’autres. Mais ici
aussi, nous ne parviendrons à vaincre efficacement ce phénomène que si nous
agissons collectivement, de manière coordonnée, en toute solidarité. C’est un
défi de plus, lancé à la face du monde. Nous devons ensemble, tous ensemble, le

Mister President,

This year marks many new beginnings
for Gabon – as we arise from the tragedy and forced inertia of the coronavirus
pandemic, and re-open to the world. We are the newest member of the
Commonwealth of Nations – home to 2.5 billion people, one-third of the world’s
population, with shared values of respect for democracy, human rights, and the
rule of law.

My country is broadening horizons
for our citizens and seizing the chance for our young people to benefit from
studying, travelling, and building business relationships far beyond our own

At the same time, Gabon takes its
place on the world stage – not alone, but as a proud African nation. But the
problems that our world faces today are global, as are the solutions.

We must all be outward facing, not
inward looking, as we confront the difficulties of a world where resources are
finite and populations growing.

This month, our Commonwealth family
has lost its Leader, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Through the union that she
loved so deeply, the Queen offered respect, friendship, and wise counsel to
many independent nations around the world, small or large. She promoted peace,
liberty and shared values and fostered a spirit of cooperation.

As the new Head of the Commonwealth,
His Majesty King Charles III can be assured of my full support and that of the
Gabonese people. A dear friend of Gabon for many years, King Charles III shares
my enthusiasm for protecting our natural environment and bio-diversity, and the
same worries for global climate and sustainability.

Mister President,

Fifty years after the Stockholm
conference, humanity faces an unprecedented triple environmental crisis:
climate change; the bio-diversity extinction crisis; and pollution, notably by

Regarding climate, with 88% forest
cover and deforestation well below 0.1%, Gabon is a “High. Forest, Low
Deforestation” country, par excellence. Since COP 15 in Copenhagen, Gabon has
net absorbed over a billion tons of carbon dioxide. We absorb over hundred million
tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year.

In other words, we have already
achieved, indeed exceeded, the Paris agreement objective of carbon neutrality.
We are counting on the creation of a net sequestration carbon market to enable
us to maintain this performance through to 2050 and beyond.

Secondly, I find the bio-diversity
crisis extremely alarming. COP15 in Montreal will be a decisive moment for
humanity and it is critical that we adopt an ambitious global bio-diversity
framework. The time has come to transition from Billions to Trillions, by
mobilizing 1% of global GDP for Nature.

Finally, pollution has become a
chronic problem in our cities, our rivers and our oceans. We must lose no time
adopting a binding international agreement on plastic pollution, as well as the
Treaty of the High Seas. In order to achieve sustainable development goals, our
international agreements and national policies must address the
inter-dependence of these crises.

Mister President,

Threats to international peace and
security continue to increase exponentially.

Faced with the proliferation of
armed groups, restricting their access to arms will be at the heart of my
country’s priorities during our presidency of the United Nations Security
Council in October.

In this regard, I would like to
reiterate my country’s call for a robust partnership to ensure greater security
in the Gulf of Guinea. Many countries face critical humanitarian crises,
exacerbated by armed conflict. This is the case in Ukraine, where the war has
led to a worsening of the situation of countries and regions already
experiencing food shortages.

This is why my country has clearly
expressed its opposition not only to this bloody war, but to any form of war.

Gabon, which has never experienced
armed conflict, will continue to advocate and favor dialogue and negotiation
over confrontation.

Mister President,

Access to education for children should be considered
sacred. Therefore, I would like to express my country’s resolute support for
the sanctuarization of schools and places of education, particularly during
armed conflicts.

To compromise education is to place
a mortgage on future generations. It is in this vane that I have made the
promotion of women and young people a key priority.

In 2015 I launched the decade of
the Gabonese woman, which aims to reserve a place of choice for women and
children in all aspects of governance in Gabon.

Mister President,

Internationalism is at a turning
point. We need to reform the United Nations to ensure better consideration of
the aspirations of Africa. This is particularly applicable to the Security
Council, where Africa’s role needs to be consolidated. Africa has waited long
enough and we will not wait any longer.

In light of the strong
inter-dependence of nations, it is crucial that we put an end to the use of
sanctions, working instead to build bridges of prosperity. As such, I call once
again for the total lifting of the embargo that has affected the Government and
the people of Cuba for several decades. Inevitably, the principal victims of
any embargo are the weak and the vulnerable.

In the Middle-East, Gabon has
always believed that a two-state solution is the only way to achieve peace and
security. It is the responsibility of our generation to resolve this problem.

To conclude, Mister President, I
would like to reiterate Gabon’s attachment to the principles and values of
solidarity at the heart of the United Nations Charter.

To this end, I reiterate my
country’s solemn appeal to all members of the international community to live
up to our shared commitments in order to ensure peace, security and dignity for
the peoples of the world.

I thank you.


Copyright Infos Gabon

Avec Info Gabon

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